
Transport is the largest source of carbon emissions and needs maximum ambition across all Cornwall Council’s strategic planning. Since the 2015 devolution deal, the One Transport framework means that Cornwall Council has the power to make the changes required in this area - yet progress has been far too slow. We support the recommendations of 10.3.1, noting, however, that without a step-change in public transport provision other transport policies fail to have the necessary impact.


  1. Reduce speed limits. This is a straightforward way to reduce carbon emissions, as well as making roads in general safer, and produce safer, cleaner and quieter town centres.

The 20mph speed limit should be extended in town environments. In certain central pedestrian areas we suggest introducing a ‘walking pace’ speed limit which further improves safety and mitigates the dangers of ‘quiet transport’ in mixed environments, where bikes, scooters and EVs (both cars and delivery vehicles) are mixing with pedestrians. A ‘walking pace’ speed limit is easily measured and can be readily ‘policed through social pressure’.


  1. Actively plan infrastructure for shared and demand-responsive transport

We need to prioritise innovation and investment in greener transport systems. The following are possibilities that could be explored - and the DPD would produce greater change if it made more reference to the requirements of innovative systems.

  • Facilitation and servicing of spaces for people or enterprises to share or switch transport options with the express intent of reducing the number of vehicles required to deliver people and goods to their destinations.
  • Could be most easily done through planning the additional benefits that are required of large developments. Retrospective examples could include the Langarth estate where a car share initiative would have a good chance of being successful, more so if supported by planning and electric charging infrastructure; or the Cornish Services on the A30 which could support a ‘Delivery Hub’ (DH) servicing all of mid-Cornwall, where large delivery vehicles from out of county can park and transfer their goods to local electric delivery vehicles. The DH can then support re-fuelling infrastructure for both the large vehicles (e.g. Hydrogen technology) and the delivery vehicles (electric charging).
  • Consideration of a system where taxis can be used alongside buses to provide a more comprehensive and flexible Public Transport service for example from Rail stations. This involves a vehicle (large taxi) being used as both ‘the bus’ and as a taxi depending on location, time and schedules. This demand-responsive system used by Lincolnshire County Council is the sort of model Cornwall could explore to better service rural and semi-rural communities.

All of these approaches need better integration of Transport policy with Planning in order to proactively incentivise and commission the necessary infrastructure.