Meet your Green Party candidate for St. Ives, Ian Flindall

Ian runs a small family farm near Morvah, producing quality food for the local market in ways that promote high standards of animal welfare as well as conserving and enhancing natural habitats and biodiversity. Before becoming a farmer, Ian worked in the energy world and was responsible for several major energy conservation projects for local councils and the Ministry of Defence.
Having seen the energy bills for his farm more than double recently, he is keenly aware of the need to roll out renewables much more rapidly to keep bills down at the same time as cutting carbon emissions and strengthening the UK’s energy security, and he’s had a hands-on role in installing dozens of small wind-turbines in Cornwall. Ian sees it as vital that farmers are supported to improve the UK’s national food security while contributing positively to a more sustainable environment.
Ian’s Priorities
Scientists say we have just five years to prevent global catastrophic climate chaos. I am standing because I don’t want my grandchildren to ask why we didn’t do enough when we could have made a difference.
For many years the Green Party has been developing policies to enable our economy to meet our needs without damaging the environment. Happily, these policies go hand in hand with the need to address the cost-of-living crisis that we are all battling.
- We will reduce your energy costs by instigating a street-by-street energy efficiency upgrade to all our hard to heat granite homes regardless of household income.
- We will get water bills and sewage pollution under control by bringing water companies back into public ownership and stopping bonus and payouts to shareholders.
- We will drive down the cost of mortgages and rent by putting affordable homes first – not empty second homes.
- We will support local food production for local people in local shops.
- We will eliminate costly barriers to trade by a return to the European Union as soon as possible.
- We will develop local circular economies that keep wealth in our communities and not in off-shore tax havens.