Cornwall Green Party is the local branch of The Green Party of England and Wales covering all Parliamentary constituencies in Cornwall.
The Green Party is the only major political party in the UK that is committed fully to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet’s limits.
The Green Party has always dared to be different – and we’ve always known the power of good ideas.
Unlike others, we know that our planet has environmental limits, we understand that not everyone wants to live to work, that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society. And we have the bold solutions which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.
With Greens standing all across Cornwall, from Bude to Penryn and from Saltash to St Ives, Cornwall Green Party is running on a platform of: Democratically accountable planning and an end to destructive ‘development’ A joined-up approach to health and wellbeing Public transport that’s regular, affordable and reliable. Housing policies that address local needs A… Read more: Cornwall Green Party launches local election campaign with biggest ever slate of candidates